15 Valentine's Day Gifts for Him and Her
15 Valentine's Day Gifts for Him and Her
Starting off simple with this cute candy bouquet. Grab a vase, Hershey kisses to fill the vase, your partner's favorite candy, a cute Valentine's Day balloon, and tissue paper. It's cute, and simple yet you put effort into it which will mean the world to your partner.

Candy Bouquet
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Is your man in need of some underwear but you know he won't buy any for himself? Well, then this is the perfect Valentine's Day gift for him (or it can just be a funny gag gift)! Grab him his favorite boxers, a cute bucket or basket, heart picks, tissue paper, a Valentine's Day balloon, and maybe some of his favorite candy.

Boxer Bouquet
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This gift idea is great! It will mean the world to your partner because of the time that goes into this gift, finding the perfect gift for every sense. So, grab some bags or boxes, Valentine's Day balloons, a marker, and a gift for each sense.

5 Senses Valentine's Day Gift
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This next gift is great and fairly simple, a Valentine's Day care package. Your partner will love this and will definitely put a smile on their face. Grab a cute box or decorate a regular cardboard box, tissue paper, your partner's favorite candy and snacks, maybe a cute stuffed animal, and anything you know your partner needs or wants.

Valentine's Day Care Package
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Does your partner love baking? If so then this is the perfect gift for them. For most people, it's still cold outside so it's nice to bake some cookies, cozy up, and watch a movie with your partner! Grab a nice mixing bowl, a spatula, their favorite cookie dough, sprinkles/toppings, an ice cream scooper, cookie cutters, and anything else they might need or want.

Baking Valentine's Basket
Does your partner need a cozy gift basket?! Well, here's some inspiration for you! Again, since it's still cold outside grab your partner a cozy blanket, fuzzy socks, a candle, hot chocolate, their favorite snacks, and a cute basket (it doesn't have to be red or pink either!).

Cozy Valentine's Day Gift Basket
(Photo Courtesy of Cozy Night in Gift Basket Date Night Movie Stay Warm Anniversary Gift Birthday - Etsy)
This is a great Valentine's Day gift; it gets you two out of the house and gives you something fun to do. Plus, it's a very sweet gift that you know your partner put time into and that's what matters the most. Grab a cute basket, a baguette, wine, fruit, cheeses, and sweets.

Valentine's Day Picnic Basket
If you want a cute Valentine's Day gift for the both of you then this is a super cute and sweet idea. Grab a cute basket, matching his and hers glasses, candy, and a Valentine's Day balloon.

His and Hers Valentine's Gift Basket
If you want to get something special for the mother of your children, then this could be a perfect idea. Grab them a pair of slippers that say something like "mama bear" or "best mom", a cute teddy bear, a fuzzy blanket, bath products for them to relax, and candy.

Cozy Mama Bear Valentine's Basket
If you want a cute and easy Valentine's Day basket for your man, then here you go. Just grab all his basic needs and wants, men really are that simple! Get a basket, underwear, cologne, deodorant and maybe body wash too, his favorite liquor, and a cute Valentine's Day balloon to top it all off.

Men's Valentine's Day Gift Basket
If you want something simple but something your partner will love, then this Valentine's Day basket could be perfect. Grab a cute basket, flowers, snacks, and gift cards to their favorite places!

Gift Card Valentine's Day Basket
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This is a super cute gift, perfect for your girlfriend or even your child! Grab a big mug, their favorite chocolates, a cute little teddy bear, and a pair of Valentine's Day socks. It's simple and easy yet sweet!

Hug in a Mug Valentine's Gift
Does your partner love to relax with a drink? Well, this is a great gift for them! Grab a cute basket, their favorite shooters, a little teddy bear, and any other things they may need or want.

Liquor Valentine's Gift Basket
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If you want to give your partner a cute gift for Valentine's Day that you two can do together then this is perfect! You can have a fun night in and make some memories! Decorate a box, grab some soda or their favorite drink, snacks, or candy, and pick out a movie of course!

Movie Night Valentine's Gift Box
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Last on the list is a fairly simple Valentine's gift. Make a cute bouquet of your partner's favorite chocolates and drinks or a bottle of wine. You can wrap it in black tissue paper like this for a man or for a woman use red or pink tissue paper!

Valentine's Treat Bouquet
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