5 Back to School Nails

5 Beautiful Back to School Nail Ideas




This blue nail set is great for back to school, they're simple yet cute. The blues throughout are great for the end of summer while transitioning between seasons!

Swirl Summer Blues Nails


This next nail set is very unique and beautiful. The colors throughout this set are candy red, dark pink, dark blue, and dark purple. Nobody else will have this unique design at school!

Multicolored Unique Swirl Nails


These nails are perfect for the changing seasons and back to school. The flowers are great for summer and the orange and brown colors match autumn.

Orange and Brown Floral Nails


These nails are girly, beautiful, and unique! Each nail has a marble design using shades of pink and blue.

Cotton Candy Marble Nails


These nails are great for the end of summer! Three nails have french tips, the index finger has a pale pink flower, and the ring finger has a pale pink and teal checker design.

Pale Pink Teal Checker Nails

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